
The biggest landfill problem emisions fire

Landfill Environmental Problems – Emissions

MSW Landfills are very unpopular due to the many environmental problems which have been attributed to landfills. In Europe there is massive investment underway to substantially reduce reliance on landfills. In many areas worldwide landfill space is running out, due to public hostility arising from public perception of landfills and environmental problems, and a crisis […]

landfill fire deep seated anthracite based

Landfill Fires Intentional and Unintended Shallow and Deep Seated

Landfill fires occur fairly commonly within landfills throughout the world, and to this day much burning of waste on landfills takes place in many developing nations. We classify landfill fires into two types; intentional and unintentional. Intentional Landfill Burning Burning of municipal waste in the open is not recommended under any circumstances, although in some […]

history of leachate garbage juice infographic

The History of Landfill Lining Design [Infographic]

The Evolution of Landfill Lining Design in the UK from Dilute and Disperse to Full Containment The image above is one that we published back in 2004 and is one of the most important progressions in the history of landfills in the UK. It was a webpage in itself and rendered in efficient HTML code […]

DSEAR United Kingdom article

Landfill Sites and the DSEA Regulations (DSEAR – UK)

Here is an explanation of the requirements of the DSEA Regulations and what they mean for landfill site owners and operators. All landfill owners (and by delegation their operators) fall under this regulation, and must act in order to comply with Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR) which have been in force since July 2006. DSEAR – […]

This big tank is a confined space

What are the Confined Spaces Regulations 1997

Confined Spaces Definitions (United Kingdom H&S Regulations) There are two commonly used definitions:- The Confined Spaces Regulations 1997 (2) In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires – “confined space” means any place, including any chamber, tank, vat, silo, pit, trench, pipe, sewer, flue, well or other similar space in which, by virtue of its […]

Building on landfill not a good idea

Building on Landfill Sites and Recommendations

We would like to emphasise that, if at all possible, building on landfill sites containing putrescible material, and which therefore are likely to be generating landfill gas should be avoided. Some old landfills will be free from landfill gas, but do take great care to obtain expert advice before you assume that any particular landfill is […]

What old landfills are like inside

Old Closed Landfills and What to Expect if You find One

There are many thousands of closed landfills in the UK. In general all domestic waste landfills filled before the 1950s now exert little or no environmental impact as they contained a low organic content from the start. They did not ever become significantly methanogenic (methane producing), and were: normally shallow (2 to 5 metres deep), […]

what about aerobic landfill

Aerobic Landfill and Why The Subject Will Not Be Forgotten

A key topic raised in many countries, not least Japan, is why most other industrialized nations have gone so strongly for sanitary landfill design, which locks up waste and only slowly allows it to decompose with air (anaerobically) and not aerobic landfills which rot away quickly. The awful longevity of sanitary landfilling, becomes clear when […]

Lofty ideals of EU Landfill Directive

The Landfill Directive Fact File

THE EUROPEAN Directive 1999/31/ EC on the Landfill of Waste (Landfill Directive) was incorporated into English law by the Landfill (England and Wales) Regulations 2002, with amendments issued in 2004 and 2005. The overall objective is to: “… prevent or reduce as far as possible the negative effects on the environment, in particular the pollution […]

landfill leachate contractor list

List of UK Landfill Leachate Extraction & Pumping Systems Contractors

The following companies are UK specialist Landfill Leachate Extraction and Pumping Systems Contractors. Most work throughout the UK, and some will provide quotations for leachate treatment plants as well as the collection systems which will feed leachate to a central location for disposal or treatment: Viridian Systems Limited, Unit 39, Wirral Business Park, Birkenhead, Wirral […]

Water content terms for landfills saturation capacity

Definition of Landill Solid Waste Water-Content Terms

There are 3 very important Water-Content Terms Used in the Landfill Industry for the water balance calculations used to predict leachate volumes generated duiring the active life of a landfill site, and these are: Field capacity Field capacity is the amount of liquid that a given mass of material will absorb prior to downward percolation […]

landfill sanitary cartoon

Sanitary Landfill

A sanitary land fill is a waste disposal location where layers of compressed garbage is covered with layers of earth. When the facility reaches the end of its life and is full, a cap is used to close the top of site. Sanitary land fills are among the most popular methods for disposing of waste, although they […]

explanation of landfill management services

Landfill Management Services Companies – The Experts Paid to Look After Old Tips

Landfill Management Services Companies, are independent contracting organizations that make a business out of looking after landfills. They employ professionals who are both practical technicians skilled in monitoring landfills, and environmental management experts able to take action where it is needed, installing, servicing and maintaining the equipment on landfills which protects the environment around their perimeters. […]

England and Wales hazardous waste landfills 2002 top image

Historic List of England & Wales Hazardous Waste Landfills Open in 2002

This list is a long list, and is provided for its historic interest only. It applies to the time just before many landfills were closed or the operators ceased accepting hazardous waste, due to the implementation of the EU Landfill Directive, which raised landfill standards. The vast majority sites listed here were reclassified as non-hazardous in […]

vibratory roller compactor

More Pictures of Landfills

How about more pictures of landfills for you to look at? This article is a preview of our portfolio, to whet our visitor’s interest in viewing our portfolio section, which contains more than 35 pictures and rising. These are the most interesting landfill site pictures which we have collected over the last 20 years or […]