Some waste management companies that were in top 20

Top 20 UK Solid Waste Management Companies and Landfill Operators

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Waste Management Companies which Operate Landfills, Listed by Turnover (2005-6).

Some waste management companies that were in top 20

The information on this page is over 10 years old. Unless you are seeking historical information from that period we suggest that you click on the button below, which will take you to an up-to-date (April 2018) listing of the Top 20 UK Waste Companies and UK Landfill Operators.

We have retained company names that due to recent mergers, will longer be trading

List of Top 20 Waste Management Companies in 2005-6 by UK Turnover

1. Biffa Waste Management
2. Waste Recycling Group (bought by FCC)
3. Shanks Waste Services
4. Veolia Environmental Services – which was then newly formed by the merger of Onyx (Waste Management) and Cleanaway Waste Management
5. SITA Holdings UK
6. Viridor Waste Management
7. Cory Environmental
8. Oran Group
9. Greater Manchester Waste
10. London Waste
11. Grundon Waste Management
12. The Hills Group (UK)
13. Cleansing Services Group
14. Mersey Waste
15. Premier Waste Management
16. Lafarge Aggregates (Waste Division)
17. Verdant Group/Ecovert
18. Augean
19. Wyvern Waste Management
20. FOCSA Services Limited Incorporating CES Group.

Recent Solid Waste Company Mergers and Acquisitions: as of December 2006

Those mergers and acquisitions just kept on coming during that era.

Try to understand the evolution of the UK Waste Management Industry by referring to our chronological list of some of the company sales and merger events below:-

June 2003 – Severn Trent acquires Hales Waste Control for £141 m

June 2003 – Terra Firma acquires The Waste Recycling Group (WRG) for £531 m

June 2004 – Terra Firma acquires Shanks' landfill interests for £227m

September 2004 – Augean acquires Atlantic and Zero Waste Holdings for £106m

December 2004 – The refinancing of The Waste Recycling Group (WRG) for £885m

April 2005 – A management buy-out of Cory takes place for £200m

June 2005 – Viridor acquires Brett Waste for £45m

August 2005 – Waste Recycling Group acquired Cumbria trade waste specialistsAlco Waste Management for an undisclosed multi-million-pound sum.

January 2006 –  Veolia acquires Onyx

June 2006, September 2006 approved by the competition authorities – Veolia acquiresCleanaway from Brambles Industries for £595m

July 2006 – FCC acquires WRG interests for £1.4bn

October 2006 – Severn Trent's floatation of Biffa (without debt and landfill liabilities) for circa £850m

Source: The Caledonian Economics 2006 Financial Review of the UK Waste Management Sector, published in October 2006 – with additional information added by

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    • Robert Sjöberg
    • 04/04/2018

    I would certainly extremely highly prompt individuals in waste administration to do a better task of extremely highly and also properly supporting for the incredibly vital needs to protect our planet. It should make required reusing a far more typical technique. The method i believe we could do this is by placing reusing containers at much more place’s, including show places, dining establishment’s, all bar’s, as well as retailer’s. Make it a far more usual technique compared to currently. Doing so would significantly decrease the huge quantity of unneeded waste. It would certainly likewise conserve the federal government 10’s of billion’s of buck’s. we truly should do this.

    • M Snyder
    • 20/08/2018

    Hi. Nobody else is providing the Top 20 UK Solid Waste Management Companies and Landfill Operators. I believe that you have filled a gap in the internet. Many thanks.

  1. Reply

    Much like the UK, we’ve lost all our big Australian industries and icons. Even Qantas went when it sold 25 % of its shares and a controlling interest to British Airways. What we can still do is thump a load of rubbish into the ground. Used your list. Good on ya!

    • Joel Whinner
    • 10/05/2019

    After going abroad to countries which have litter everywhere, literally, I value our waste industry a lot more and the job they do to civilize our nation.

    • Nic and Brenda
    • 28/05/2019

    Useful info here. Why stop at 20 waste companies? Thanking you.

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