Landfill Directive

A view of some unfashionable landfilling.

Unfashionable Talk About Landfills

Get ready for unfashionable talk about landfills! Let’s talk rubbish—literally. You might not think about landfills much unless the smell drifts your way on a windy day or you’re tossing out the garbage. But these dumping grounds are more than just piles of junk; they’re a snapshot of our consumer habits and a challenge we need to tackle. Landfill […]

Text: "How Many Landfills are there?"

How Many Landfills are There?

To ask how many landfills there are is an interesting question, but not a quick one to answer. It may be answered as a question at the national level of “how many landfills in my country” and we will do that for a number of countries in the sections that follow, but first, we will […]

Soil washing for contaminated land

Soil Washing Treatment of Contaminated Land

Soil washing has become an important method for cleaning up contaminated land. It was first propelled into the mainstream as a process for this purpose in the UK in 2004. The reason for this was that the summer of 2004 saw the implementation of EU Landfill Directive requirements in the UK. The implementation of EU […]

landfill fire deep seated anthracite based

Landfill Fires Intentional and Unintended Shallow and Deep Seated

Landfill fires occur fairly commonly within landfills throughout the world, and to this day much burning of waste on landfills takes place in many developing nations. We classify landfill fires into two types; intentional and unintentional. Intentional Landfill Burning Burning of municipal waste in the open is not recommended under any circumstances, although in some […]

final storage quality not yet

When Does a Landfill Stop Being a Landfill – Final Storage Quality

When Does an Old Landfill Cease to be a Landfill? In other words, when can an old landfill be left as it is, not monitored and used for any purpose it’s owner wants to use it for, because it no longer contains anything which harm the environment? [box size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]There is an easy and […]

granville island zero waste uk

Zero Waste and UK Recycling Progress

Landfills vary immensely, but even the most recently developed are not considered to provide a sustainable way of getting rid of rubbish.  They can cause pollution, and certainly hold the potential to do so. Very few of us want to live near to them, and the methane gas produced by them is a major contributor […]

The Trading of Carbon wrt Landfills

Carbon Credit Trading and Landfills

It’s Methane that makes Landfill and Carbon Credit Trading so interconnected. Methane is the second most prevalent greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide, is emitted in large quantities from modern engineered landfills unless it is collected and flared (burnt). Kyoto obligations mean that UK landfill emissions need to fall by 20 percent from 1990 levels, and […]

waste diversion targets away from landfill

The UK Government Waste Diversion Targets Set on the Landfilling of Waste (in 2005)

Local authorities across England have been set limits on the amount of biodegradable municipal waste they can dispose of in landfill sites. The aim of these waste diversion targets is to achieve the diversion of waste away from landfill sites. Environment Minister Elliot Morley confirmed (3 February 2005) the final allocation of landfill allowances for […]

The effects of waste and climate change

Waste and Climate Change

Main Issues Waste and climate change is an important issue, given the ever rising quantities of waste bring produced. Reduction and reuse of waste is the preferred option, and most important aim in any waste strategy. The EU Landfill Directive requires all landfill sites taking biodegradable waste to where possible capture and use the methane […]

Waste questions what is waste and wamitab

What is Waste WAMITAB Hazardous Waste and WEEE?

Q: What is waste? A: Waste is defined for the propose of the UK Waste Management Regulations as: Any substance or object that you discard, intend to discard, or are required to discard is waste and as such is subject to a number of regulatory requirements. Even if material is sent for recycling or undergoes […]

Lofty ideals of EU Landfill Directive

The Landfill Directive Fact File

THE EUROPEAN Directive 1999/31/ EC on the Landfill of Waste (Landfill Directive) was incorporated into English law by the Landfill (England and Wales) Regulations 2002, with amendments issued in 2004 and 2005. The overall objective is to: “… prevent or reduce as far as possible the negative effects on the environment, in particular the pollution […]

England and Wales hazardous waste landfills 2002 top image

Historic List of England & Wales Hazardous Waste Landfills Open in 2002

This list is a long list, and is provided for its historic interest only. It applies to the time just before many landfills were closed or the operators ceased accepting hazardous waste, due to the implementation of the EU Landfill Directive, which raised landfill standards. The vast majority sites listed here were reclassified as non-hazardous in […]

Tyre Bales at Pevensey

Tyre Recycling: Tyres Can No longer be Sent to landfill

This well researched article should clarify a great deal about frugal tyre use and tyre recycling. By Ken McEvoy (written in 2005) Under European Law it is no longer possible to dump car tyres into landfill sites which means we have to find a solution to the problem of what to do with old tyres […]

Image shows inert waste processing plant.

Inert Waste Disposal – Is My Waste Inert?

Inert waste disposal should be simple and cheap, because there is no need to send it to a licensed landfill. But, do make sure it really is “inert” before you offer it to a farmer for improving farm access tracks, for example. Inert materials are by definition un-reactive, both biologically and chemically. This means that […]