construction site waste management plans

Why Construction Site Waste Management Needs to Become Integrated Sustainable Waste Management

It’s no longer good enough to assume that waste is everything we don’t want any more. Applying Integrated Sustainable Waste Management and good Construction Site Waste Management asks questions. Can we reduce the waste, reuse it, recycle it, and if not can we extract heat energy from it? By doing this it has been found […]

Construction management system tips feature image v2.

How to Increase Effectiveness of a Construction Waste Management System

The company “Construction Waste Management System”, was once neglected. It was even seen as a waste of time. But, it is now a central part of doing business for construction firms. In this article we look at raising the effectiveness, and the benefits from, a well-focused construction company waste management system. Gradually, people are developing […]

Image shows intro to our article replying to; "what is a landfill?"

What is a Landfill?

So, you ask; “What is a Landfill?” Stay and read-on here and we will tell you! A landfill is an engineered pit, in which layers of solid waste are filled, compacted and covered for final disposal. According to UNEP (2002), a basic landfill is a pit with a protected bottom (to prevent contamination of groundwater) […]

Image showing the Disadvantages of Burning Waste vs Anaerobic Digestion.

Disadvantages of Burning Waste and Why Not More Biogas?

The “disadvantages of burning waste“, is always a topic of great interest to those who live near proposed new incinerators. Now it is believed, more will be built.  At last in the UK, the government has realised that additional waste treatment facilities are essential for the UK (in or out of the EU) if targets […]

Image about UK Circular Economy Issues

UK Circular Economy Meets Defra Minister Opposition

A fuller title for this article would be; UK Circular Economy – Meets Defra Minister Dr Thérèse Coffey’s Opposition after Government Audit Office report shows a lack of rigour in the existing implementation of the EU’s policy for meeting circular economy (recycling) targets. We could have used that, but we can imagine that only the […]

Presentation: UK “Sleepwalking” Into Waste Treatment Capacity Crisis – E S A.

Is a UK Waste Treatment Capacity Crisis Looming?

The question is whether there is a UK Waste Treatment Capacity Crisis looming, or not? If you have watched our teaser video on YouTube on this subject, you will no doubt be confused about the conflicting views. You are not alone! The claims and counter claims which surround this subject ARE very confusing. The reason […]

A beach littered with plastic bottles and other rubbish

Ocean Litter – The Plastic Trash Marine Menace and the Paradox of Plastic Use

Ocean litter is a massive problem, with plastic items being the largest offenders. In this article we look at the plastic trash menace and the paradox of plastic use, and support a proposal by one member of the UK’s waste management community (CIWM), that single use plastic containers must be curtailed or stopped, in our video. […]

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Coca-Cola Plastic Bottle Recycling Facility Visited by Coffey and Makes Recyclable Video Ad

Recent events at Coca-Cola Plastic Bottle Recycling UK, are very welcome to waste management industry opinion-formers. It is also a big vote for the further development of the circular economy. Governments can talk about issues which concern us, they can pass legislation, and the population can want a thing to happen, but nothing will change and […]

CC BY-NC by MN Pollution Control Agency

Poor Performing EU States are Failing to Meet Waste Diversion Targets

Poor performing EU member states are failing to meet waste diversion targets, a new EU Report explains. Cyprus, Croatia, Greece, Malta and Turkey are still sending more than three quarters of their municipal waste to landfill. The EU will also, soon take Slovakia to court for violating landfill rules, and failing to achieve sufficient waste diversion away from […]

CC BY by Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Protection

List of Old Landfill Sites Going Solar – Solar Landfills

Many old landfill sites are going solar so we thought we would create a list of 10 recent examples of landfill sites going solar, which have in the News, over the past 6 months. They are being made into what we call “Solar Landfills”, and its great news for the environment because solar energy is […]

landfill health risk article

Landfill Health Risk – Study Suggests Lung Disease Link

Is there a landfill health risk to those who live near them? Landfills have been seen as safe for a long while. That landfills do not affect the health of those that live near them,  has been assumed since the 1990s. That was when a UK government study looked for any link between the national […]

image showing deer bodies dumped in landfills

Sad and Shocking Bodies Dumped in Landfills in the Last 10 Years

The following bodies and body parts have been dumped in landfills in the last 10 years. Unfortunately, sad things happen, and then he remains have to be disposed of in the best way possible in the circumstances. Sometimes, animals die and are not suitable for using for food production, or rendering down for other uses. Also, when […]

All UK Landfills to Close within 5 Years? Zero Waste UK

In this article we make the prediction that all UK Landfills will close within 5 Years. The current trend in waste reduction/ diversion from landfill shows that the nation will achieve Zero Waste to Landfill and quite soon as well. That momentous occasion will take place in 5 to 6 years time, according to the figures […]

recycled concrete stockpile

Recycling Revisited – Contamination Risk from Lead Based Paint On Concrete

Ensuring The Safe Use/Disposal of Recycled Concrete When Painted With Lead Based Paint On this page we provide the  Wikipedia cited content from an article titled, “Recycling Revisited” which was showing as a broken link in Wickipedia (En), and an update on current guidelines. The original article was by Charles Rathmann,ᅠand dated August 4, 2005,ᅠin the Western […]

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Poisonous TVs and Poison PCs and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

US Report Titled – Poison PCs and Toxic TVs (Also Highly Relevant to Mobile Phone Recycling) Poison PCs and Toxic TVs, was a broken citation link in Wikipedia (Ref: 2 at the following url,, but we found that it is available on the “WayBack Machine”, by following this link.:ᅠ [box type=”info”]Vistors from Wikipedia should […]