Landfill Environmental Problems – Emissions
MSW Landfills are very unpopular due to the many environmental problems which have been attributed to landfills. In Europe there is massive investment underway to substantially reduce reliance on landfills. In many areas worldwide landfill space is running out, due to public hostility arising from public perception of landfills and environmental problems, and a crisis […]
Landfill Sites and the DSEA Regulations (DSEAR – UK)
Here is an explanation of the requirements of the DSEA Regulations and what they mean for landfill site owners and operators. All landfill owners (and by delegation their operators) fall under this regulation, and must act in order to comply with Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR) which have been in force since July 2006. DSEAR – […]
Landfill Gas Emissions and the Greenhouse Effect
It is thought that even with the best landfill gas extraction systems installed about half of the total methane produced by any landfill site escapes without being burnt, either in a flare, or in a generator to supply energy. That means that landfill gas climate change is significant. The escape of the methane into the […]
Construction and Demolition Waste and Recycling
In tonnage terms construction and demolition waste is the UK’s largest waste stream accounting for 90 Million tonnes of material per year in England and Wales alone. To drive the recovery of demolition material and the use of recycled materials in new structures, ICE, working with London Remade and Envirocentre has developed the Demolition Protocol […]
Building on Landfill Sites and Recommendations
We would like to emphasise that, if at all possible, building on landfill sites containing putrescible material, and which therefore are likely to be generating landfill gas should be avoided. Some old landfills will be free from landfill gas, but do take great care to obtain expert advice before you assume that any particular landfill is […]
Aerobic Landfill and Why The Subject Will Not Be Forgotten
A key topic raised in many countries, not least Japan, is why most other industrialized nations have gone so strongly for sanitary landfill design, which locks up waste and only slowly allows it to decompose with air (anaerobically) and not aerobic landfills which rot away quickly. The awful longevity of sanitary landfilling, becomes clear when […]
Pictures of Landfills
The following page is a historical page full of pictures of landfills which we have kept from our original website. By today’s standards of multi-media web pages these landfill pictures look of really mediocre quality, but we hope you will find this page interesting for its historical images. Please note that that this web page is […]
Good Practice Guidelines for Landfill Weighing and Weighbridges
For any well run landfill site the accurate recording of waste inputs is essential for effective management of the site, and is be required by most national waste management regulations, to enable verifiable returns to be made to the waste regulatory body. Good Practice for Landfill Weighbridge Layouts On site weighbridges are the best way […]
Waste Decomposition – Sanitary Landfills a 1,000 Year Liability
Government Sponsored Research Shows Slow Waste Decomposition Means Landfills Present 1000 Year Liability (This article is based upon one which we first wrote for this website in 2004. The issues raised remain largely un-addressed and we think that they are as pertinent today as they were at the time.) Research published in September 2004, which was […]
Tyre Recycling: Tyres Can No longer be Sent to landfill
This well researched article should clarify a great deal about frugal tyre use and tyre recycling. By Ken McEvoy (written in 2005) Under European Law it is no longer possible to dump car tyres into landfill sites which means we have to find a solution to the problem of what to do with old tyres […]