

why every landfill liner leaks

Why Every Landfill Liner Leaks But Not All Leakage Matters

Landfill liner leaks are endemic. A small amount escapes from composite landfill lining systems which include both 1 metre thick a clay layer, and a clay liner loses water/ leachate according to its permeability and the head of pressure of leachate over it. That is despite applying stringent design and operational requirements for landfills, landfills continue […]

Recyclates Co-mingled Waste Collection

Co-mingled Waste Collection Mixed Waste and Kerbside Sorting Explained

Local authorities worldwide are striving to improve their recycling rates, including by co-mingled waste collection. The rates of recycling and waste diversion away from landfill being achieved, have been shown to be much improved by the choice of collection system, and the variety of boxes and bins provided for disposal of the municipal waste generated […]