

waste diversion targets away from landfill

The UK Government Waste Diversion Targets Set on the Landfilling of Waste (in 2005)

Local authorities across England have been set limits on the amount of biodegradable municipal waste they can dispose of in landfill sites. The aim of these waste diversion targets is to achieve the diversion of waste away from landfill sites. Environment Minister Elliot Morley confirmed (3 February 2005) the final allocation of landfill allowances for […]

landfill sanitary cartoon

Sanitary Landfill

A sanitary land fill is a waste disposal location where layers of compressed garbage is covered with layers of earth. When the facility reaches the end of its life and is full, a cap is used to close the top of site. Sanitary land fills are among the most popular methods for disposing of waste, although they […]